EV05 : Square type 0.5mm nozzle Vacuum Generator with Silencer fitting as follow items

1. Vacuum cups with Adapter PT1/8 : FP15~FP40, FG40~FG80 flat cups, BP10~BP40, BG40~BG50 1.5 bellows cups, B2P6~B2P40 2.5 bellows cups

2. Adapters PT1/8 or G1/8 : AH28, AH2MG8, FABG-40, ABMG830, ABMG840, FABG-50, ABMG850, FAFG-4, AFMG84, FAFG-568, AFMG85

Square type 0.5mm nozzle Vacuum Generator

Tags: EV05, Square 0.5 nozzle Vacuum Generator